What We Treat

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction or is having trouble effectively managing a mental health condition, we encourage you to get in touch with our team to learn more about our Knoxville addiction and mental health treatment programs.

What We Treat

Alcohol, Drug & Mental Health Treatment in Knoxville

We offer a full range of therapies, treatments, and programs for individuals struggling with a variety of substance abuse disorders, drug addictions, and behavioral and mental health conditions.

We recognize the intrinsic relationship between mental health and addiction, which is why we employ a whole-person approach to wellness. Our family of addiction specialists is dedicated to providing you with the support and tools you need to succeed.

To learn more, call us at (865) 205-2770 or contact us online and one of our professional staff members will be in touch with you shortly.

Let Our Family Help Yours

Taking the first step can be challenging, but with Tennessee Wellness Center, hope is possible.

Take the First Step Toward Long-Term Recovery

Whether you believe you may need professional assistance in managing a mental health condition or substance abuse disorder, or if you are concerned that someone you love is struggling with addiction, we are ready to help. Reach out to Tennessee Wellness Center to speak to a member of our team about the next steps and how we can help you on the path to recovery.

Our Programs Designed for Your Needs

Our addiction programs are designed to treat:

We also offer mental health treatments for the following conditions:

What Sets Us Apart?

At Tennessee Wellness Center, we are more than just a treatment facility—we are a family of individuals dedicated to helping people who are struggling overcome their challenges and move forward in their recoveries. We take the time to understand each of our client’s unique situations, needs, and goals. This allows us to provide the personal attention and custom treatment our clients need and deserve.

Our treatments are unique in that we offer:

  • A whole-person, family-oriented approach to recovery
  • Personalized treatment and ongoing support tailored to each individual
  • The tools and skills our clients need to attain long-term sobriety
  • Consistent communication with clients and their families/loved ones
  • A warm, welcoming, and stigma-free environment in which to heal

Addiction is a disease, and it affects not only those struggling with substance abuse but their families as well. At Tennessee Wellness Center, we focus on helping families heal.

Personalized Treatment Plans for Lasting Recovery

At Tennessee Wellness Center, we understand that every patient struggling with addiction has unique needs and challenges. That is why we offer personalized programs tailored to each patient's circumstances. Our team of skilled professionals will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that addresses your substance abuse or mental health issues.

Our personalized treatment approach includes:

  • Individual therapy sessions
  • Group therapy and support
  • Dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring disorders
  • Medically-assisted detoxification
  • Aftercare and relapse prevention planning

By focusing on your needs and providing personalized care, we strive to help you achieve lasting recovery and a healthier, more fulfilling life. Take the first step towards a brighter future by contacting Tennessee Wellness Center today.

Learn more about our Knoxville addiction and mental health treatments; call (865) 205-2770 or contact us online today.

Join Our Family Careers at Tennessee Wellness Center