Holistic Therapies to Help Treat Substance Abuse


Holistic Therapies for Alcohol and Drug Addiction

When it comes to treating substance abuse, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach. Everyone is different and can benefit from various programs to address their unique needs.

However, research has shown that taking a holistic approach to addiction treatment, that is, addressing the whole person, best helps treat the underlying causes of addiction, along with the physical disease, in order to set people up for long-lasting recovery.

Individual Talk Therapy

As one of the most successful and core treatments for addiction recovery, individual talk therapy allows a person to work through problems they’re facing and the emotions they feel one-on-one, with a therapist.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

A form of talk therapy, CBT is effective in treating the underlying causes of addiction, such as anxiety, depression, and self-doubt. This treatment works to identify negative habits and behaviors and develop healthier behaviors, improve how you regulate emotions, and form better problem-solving methods.

Family Therapy

Addiction doesn’t only affect the person using drugs or alcohol. Family therapy helps to heal the relationships that may have been damaged by a person’s substance abuse and improve communication between loved ones.

Group Therapy

Hearing from other people who are going through similar struggles can help you see your own issues through a new light and provide you with a stronger sense of support through your recovery journey.

Support Group Meetings

Similar to group therapy, support group meetings allow those going through recovery as well as their loved ones a space to discuss their experiences and gain advice and encouragement from those working through similar issues.

Addiction Treatment in Tennessee

At Tennessee Wellness Center, we offer a variety of treatment programs to best address your battle with alcohol and drugs. Contact us today to get the help you need.